Welcome, pilgrim, through the labyrinth of the virtual world. Stop and spend a short while in your life at our place, going back to the times, when healthy legs or a good horse were needed for travel, not sveral clicks. In fact, that is the main task of this website and our entire work. History not only as a dry academic science, but living, real history that you can try out and experience for yourself. Although these pages are commercial at their core, my intentions on this website have a broader focus – an effort to stimulate readers’ interest in history, to offer those interested in historical fencing not only information (there is plenty of it in various publications and on www sites), but especially food for thought, how to sort this, often very problematic information, choose the essential from it and eventually clarify some specific details of your work or hobby yourself.

When looking at historical facts, it is instructive how often they concern war, fighting, conquest, murder and the like. Try to delve into your memory and remember some dates that you have left behind from school – there will certainly be: the battle of XY, the conquest of the YZ empire, the massacre of the XZ dynasty, the killing of King AB, the defeat of the CD kingdom… i.e. moments when the course of history was determined by cruelty, violence and blood. It is interesting to follow this line into the past, if only so that we can learn the lesson and continue history in the new millennium, writing (with our own hands) in the slogans: the conclusion of peace between A and B, the abolition of the CD borders, the disarmament of EF, the conclusion of the protracted dispute between G and H by peace…

This is one of the main reasons for my project “WEAPONS FOR JOY”, with which I want to contribute in my own way to a greater chance for humanity to successfully live through the next millennium. Look around our website, but also everywhere around you, and think about how much human genius, human work, and human ingenuity has been devoted to how to murder one’s fellow man as efficiently and with as little effort as possible. Perhaps one day there will come a time when at least the same (but perhaps even a much greater) amount of work and energy will be spent on preserving humanity and life in general. Let us hope that one day even the powerful of this world will realize that a good landlord enhances his domain, not destroys it…